Pastor Olajumoke Arasanyin
Popularly called Pastor ‘J’, Olajumoke Arasanyin is the Parish Pastor of Tabernacle of Peace.
A Statistician by training, Pastor Arasanyin was a Banker and Business Developer for many years before going into full-time Ministry. A Teacher by calling, she was posted over to Tabernacle of Peace as the Parish Pastor in June 2004 from RCCG Dominion Chapel, Newark NJ where she had been serving as a Minister for over six years.
Under her pastoral care, the church and the members have witnessed growth physically, emotionally, and more importantly, spiritually. Pastor ‘J’ has a burden for souls and her desire is that everyone she comes in contact with also come in contact with the saving knowledge of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
She has a passion to see people come out from under the oppression and the affliction of the devil and proclaim liberty found in living for Christ. Her emphasis is on laying a solid foundation of any life upon the word of God; resulting in an uncompromising teaching of His total counsel at all Church meetings.
Married to Stephen Arasanyin, a Systems Engineer who is the Co-Pastor and blessed with a son.